Sole Seeker: The Psychedelic Quest - A five part story mini series exclusivly on Triesti
"Sole Seeker: The Psychedelic Quest" follows the thrilling adventure of Alex, a passionate teenager obsessed with sneakers, who discovers a hidden legacy within their family. While exploring their great-grandfather's attic, Alex stumbles upon a chest from Italy, containing a mysterious journal and a collection of rare mushrooms. Intrigued by the journal's secrets, Alex unknowingly consumes one of the psychedelic mushrooms and is transported to a realm of wonder and magic—the Psychedelic Realm. There, they encounter Sparklestride, a mischievous elf, who reveals the legend of the ultimate sneaker crafted by the Elf Enchantress. Determined to acquire this mythical creation, Alex embarks on a journey filled with trials and challenges, guided by Sparklestride's wisdom. Along the way, they meet Lily, a fellow...